Sunday, November 22, 2009

I wanna get a new hair cut (see details)!!!?

Ok so i have dirty-strawberry-blonde (red blonde and brown)

my hair is curly (not super curly like tight crazy curls, more like those big supermodle curls) and long. (like 5 inches below my shoulders)

I want a new hair cut, but i DON'T want to change the color or

get my hair permed or staightened.

My eyes are blue-green-hazel (very pretty color trust me)

my neck is long.

my face is heart shape.

my skin is somewhat pale and i have lots of faint freckles.

(i don't like my freckles so hopefully the hair cut will help to hide them)

Please give me pictures of hair styles you think would look good on me. (or extremely described)


(i know i have very weird hair and eye color so sorry if that makes it harder to make a style for me.)

I wanna get a new hair cut (see details)!!!?

You sound very hyper and cute, however sometimes all you need to do for change is ad something to what you already have. Perhaps think of what says you and ad it to your style. once you cut or color, it will ad to the confusion. Maybe partial braids - ribbon -costume jewelry - hell a troll doll ??? what ever you like... You sound good about yourself and that's whats important... Good Luck !

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