Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Help me!!! I need a new hair style!!!?

The last time i posted this question the answers all sucked.

So i'll try again.

I need your opinions! ABOUT MY HAIR. I want to cut it, but i'm not sure if I should do layers, or just a shoulder length cut. or blah blah blah.

I have super long hair, and do like it and how it looks on me but I want something different.

I never wear make-up and I don't want to have to put a huge amount of effort into the new do. (No more than blow-dry and straighten.) I dye my hair a dark brown. Oh, and my face shape is oval I think.


Help me!!! I need a new hair style!!!?

Katie holmes new bob looks great

Help me!!! I need a new hair style!!!?

You know what you like, we could all recommend a bunch of different cuts but if it doesn't look like something you'd feel comfortable with then you'll be back here posting. Why don't you search thru the magazines and come up with 5-6 different cuts you like then take it to the experts. Go to a very good salon and ask them which one suits your face and meets your other requirements. That way you have your choice and the choice of an expert then all you gotta do is rock it.

Help me!!! I need a new hair style!!!?

I think you should cut your hair about 3 inches shorter. you can also cut some layers in the back of your head... but not sooooo many of them. You can cut a 3 and a half inch bang on the right side of your face. From what I saw in the pics you have, this hair style would look great on you. I think you shouldn't cut your hair that short because long hair looks great on you. Look for pictures in magazines for more ideas.

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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